We're back! Time to update slowly. :P


Conventions we'll be at!

Here's an upcoming list of 2023 conventions we'll be at!

2023 Cons:
JMoF: January 8-9

Vanhoover Pony Expo: January 13-15
Vancoufur: March 2-5

and many more to come!

Some people like our stuff, I guess

"the only one who can take issue with my dakis is my dog. And he loves them." - Duster Dawnhorse


"I mean, I'm kind of like actually getting a little bit fucking torqued right now" - iDubbbzTV


"Gah, it's so cute! <3" - Befish Doodle


"NEVER ENOUGH." - Rabbitasaur


"You can quote whatever I say, dude. Everything I say is gold." - Combo Breaker

"I’m screaming and pissing in a Popeyes at this moment" - Combo Breaker


"This was a mistake." - Waffles